Wednesday, December 27, 2006


The only time I get my picture taken is when I am the one taking it. It sort of stinks that I am the 'picture taker' and Matt is less interested in taking pictures. That means the only pictures I am in are when I am all alone-or cuddling a sicky child. Oh well. I am not photogenic anyway-so maybe it is a good thing! Posted by Picasa


  1. Rebecca, you are very photogenic! Your eyes are gorgeous!

  2. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Join the "mama club", Rebecca! I think that is what happens when we become mamas... We also become the photographer of the house and never get any photos of US! I was bemoaning the fact that I wasn't in any Christmas photos this year. I don't like my pics taken, either, but someday down the road the kids will need something to remember me by! :)


  3. Rebecca,
    I think you are putely and utterly crazy to say you are unphotogenic! You ALWAYS look beautiful in all the photos of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Anonymous8:42 AM

    I think you are 'very' photogenic. You have a beautiful smile.

  5. P'shaw. You're photogenic. (Unless you've got everyone fooled but yourself...)

  6. Thank you for your kind words-but you must trust me on this. Believe me. I am OKAY with it. The photos you see of me, my own vanity allows. The other bazillion are quickly deleted.

    In fact-MATT even says I am unphotogenic... Over Christmas a picture was taken that I saw on the digital's viewfinder and really had me depressed. I asked Matt- Do I really look like that? He told me "no, I have just come to the conclusion that you are unphotogenic." Phew. What a RELIEF! At least now I know...


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