Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Containing glitter

A great way to contain glitter and especially BEADS (that roll!) when doing a craft project with little ones is to use a cookie sheet. Of course, no matter what, there will be strays...but this works really well. I also used a baby plate (with different compartments) to seperate the different types of beads. Posted by Picasa


  1. Looks like fun!! I always felt like I was getting extra "good mommy points" when I would get out all the glitter..hehee.

  2. LOL! You'll be finding beads and glitter in the funniest places until March!

  3. Including Andrew's mouth!

    don't ask me how I know...

  4. Susannah had a bead in her mouth just today! I can't imagine how many more she would have had stuffed into her cheeks if I hadn't stolen your cookie sheet trick.
    It's brilliant. Thanks.


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