Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Minty Ornaments

I found this idea on The Sparrows Nest and thought it would be perfect for a Corynn craft-and gift. While the original idea was to do candy canes, I found that wreaths worked best for us. The candycanes kept breaking afterward-very frustrating. To do, just form unwrapped mints into any shape you like (with edges touching one another) onto a foil lined baking sheet. Bake in 250 degree oven for 6-7 minutes or until melted together. Let cool on sheet for 2 minutes and then CAREFULLY pry off the foil. Posted by Picasa


  1. Anonymous12:35 PM

    I saw this on her site as well and thought that it looked fun but I wondered about the candy cane shape. I LOVE the wreaths even more and I am going to pick up some mints and do them maybe Friday with the kids to hang on the tree! Thanks for the great adaptation! ~Je

  2. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Oh I forgot to ask you for two things...leave me a private message on my blog w/ your address so I can send you a Christmas card if you would and also tell me the names and addresses (if you can) of the thrift shops you mentioned up your way. After Christmas sometime I want to head up that way and take a look.

  3. Hmmmm...last time I tried to PM you, if didn't work. I will try again and then leave a comment to let you know I did. That way, if it doesn't come through-you will know. And-YEAH! I would LOVE a Christmas card from you!

  4. What an adorable idea! An so easy!

    I just found The Sparrow's Nest yesterday and thought of you when I saw it. Isn't it a beautiful blog?! I need to add it to my blog roll.


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