What you do in your house is worth as much as if you did it up in heaven for our Lord God. We should accustom ourselves to think of our position and work as sacred and well-pleasing to God, not on account of the position and work, but on account of the word and faith from which the obedience and the work flow. ~ Martin Luther

Monday, December 11, 2006

Monday Madness

Yikes-is my to-do list long today!

We got back home from our weekend away last night, which means today is UNPACKING day. I had such a great time up northward. It is great fun to see people we haven't seen in a while, though the visits are altogether too short. Bah humbug. The meals were delicious-everyone went sooo out of their way making us feel special. The catching up was fun fun and the time just flew by (as is evident from my lack of photos!) I even did quite a bit of Christmas shopping. All I have to buy for now are the men in my life. Andrew and Matt. And Matt needs to by for the extended family men-and ME!!! :-)

An electrical repairman came by today and worked on the heaters-and will be back tomorrow. Three cheers for the OPTION to be warm-even though we keep the thermostat down SO low sometimes it doesn't FEEL that way... At least now we COULD turn the heat up!

Oh-and another fabulous, wonderful, absolutely fantastical thing is that on Thursday, we will be having a dryer dropped off. I can't wait. I am SO excited to get that mountain of laundry OUT of the closet and be done with it. And feel SOFT clothes-and NOT have to crouch under the clothes hanging throughout the basement! YAY!

Other items on the agenda today-photo shoot for the children, write and mail Christmas cards off, clean bathroom, wrap Christmas presents, and THEN-at 4:30 we have an appointment to go see that dream house of ours!!! The guy talked to Matt on the phone yesterday for nearly 20 minutes, asking all about US-which means MAYBE, just MAYBE he DOES care more about the people who come in than the money. I am not getting my hopes up though-or TRYING not to anyway.

Today is Matt's first day of work at his new job and I am anxiously awaiting an update and his thoughts on the day. He won't be coming home for lunch anymore-so now I have to wait all the way until 4:00!! Argh-impatient me.

Well, this week is going to prove as busy as this day so I best get a move on it! Have a great day!


Wendy said...

It was good to see the Newmans on Sabbath! I think I may be just as excited as you are about your house appt. I simply can't wait to hear all of the news...I will definately pray for EXCELLENT news. Let us know about Matts first day too...I hope it was FABULOUS!

Anonymous said...

Yes do let us know how things went with the house and Matt's job. We are all interested!

Anonymous said...

Oh, the pictures are so sweet, it's going to be a hard decision for you and your husband. Why not all of them (lol).