Tuesday, December 12, 2006

A New Challenge

****** I have become obsessed!!*******

I put our bird feeder on the little deck off the kitchen awhile back and it has since been a favorite haunt of our feathered friends since. As we sit at the kitchen table; morning, noon and night-we are on the lookout for new birds and to watch the antics of the old.

Thanks to the bird book that you gave me Els, I have been able to identify ALL of our visitors (not just the easy ones!)-including the tufted titmouse, white-breasted nuthatches, the brown creeper, chickadees, dark eyed junco, blue jays, cardinals, and even this here woodpecker.

Unfortunately, the last three are insufferable and skittish and no matter how still I am-they refuse to let me photograph them. I find it SO frustrating to see them eating away when I don't have my camera-and when I do, they fly quickly away. This was the closest I could get to the woodpecker.

As fun as it has been...it has also been very frustrating that I can't capture it on film the way I would like. So-that is my new challenge to myself. I have got to figure out how to photograph birds nicely-without the ease of using those special lenses that I SO covet, since I don't have that luxury. In the mean time, these dark ones will have to do. I have great plans to give these birdies a Christmas present after Christmas. Just WAIT until you see what is in store for them!


  1. Wow! Do we enjoy the presents we give away!!!
    Keep going! Falko makes many many photo's to get a decent shot.... I hope the digital Minolta will go down in price, so that he will still be able to use all his lenses, but we won't need to run to the 'cornershop' so often...

  2. Oh yes, and a tip:
    if you get the chance to focus on a bird, focus on the EYE!

  3. We just put up a bird feeder on our front porch and there are always a dozen birds near it. It is so fun to check on those little sweeties. My children love watching them. I think that is about as much of a pet I can handle at this point. Blessings!

  4. Yeah, it's quite a challenge to get close-ups of birds with little to no zoom, eh? Maybe if you slathered yourself with birdseed and lay down, they'd come close enough for a great shot. (I used to do this during the winter when I lived in Nanticoke, and birds would even peck the seed off of my face-- gently!).

  5. Did you REALLY do that Abby?!?!? Too bad you didn't get a picture of THAT. I'd of like to seen THAT!


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