Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Poor Andrew

Dear boy got only one gift this year from us. Not because he was naughty-just because I had planned one more shopping trip before Christmas, which never happened. We usually only get three presents each ANYWAY, but still, I felt sort of bad. Thankfully, even boxes are gifts to babies! Posted by Picasa


  1. I left you a comment, but for some reason it doesn't seem to be appearing. So I am going to try again, however, it won't be quite the same because I don't remember my exact words.

    The nice part of Andrew being little is that he doesn't need a lot to be happy. All he needs is his beautiful book, and a beautiful mama to read it to him, which he has both of, so his Christmas is full :)

  2. Ah, not to worry. We didn't get Susannah a single thing, but she loves wrapping paper. John's mom bought her a gift, but when she saw we didn't have any, she picked up a few more. She could have just given her the paper!


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