Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Poor girl.

Both the children are sick, but Andrew is still a bit jolly. Corynn has been a MESS for days. At one point in our visit we had the following, heart-wrenching conversation.

Setting: my parents' living room. Presents being handed out and the wrap being torn just as quickly, children hopping about in excitement, adults laughing and Corynn sitting on my lap.

Corynn (sniffling and crying): "Mama, I want to go to my home. Can we go home?"

Me: "No darling, we are going to spend the night here tonight and we will go home first thing tomorrow. I am so sorry you are sick, honey. I know it is tough to be away when you are sick."

Corynn: "Mama. (crying even harder now) I don't want to have a happy Christmas, I just want to go to bed."

It was so sad! Last night, when we had returned home, she laid about-insisting I be holding her, touching her, NEAR her.

After a whole weekend of interrupted sleep; THIS nose wiping, hair stroking, medicine giving, baby rocking, cough suppressing mama is a bit worn down herself! Posted by Picasa


  1. I felt so bad for Corynn! She looked so sick and miserable :( I hope she feels better soon! I was glad though that her big girl boots cheered her up just a bit!

  2. Oh dear, poor thing, she must really feel terrible! That little conversation you posted just broke my heart. I'll be praying she feels better soon!

  3. Oh poor little thing!

    Oh what a plug for being home for Christmas.

    Mmmm.. did I just say that?

    Nahhhhh.. I didn't say that. ,-)


  4. I hope the illness is gone, and you're getting some needed sleep!


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