What you do in your house is worth as much as if you did it up in heaven for our Lord God. We should accustom ourselves to think of our position and work as sacred and well-pleasing to God, not on account of the position and work, but on account of the word and faith from which the obedience and the work flow. ~ Martin Luther

Monday, December 04, 2006

Santa Baby

On the Blessed Masses:

I know of, let's see, A LOT!!! of pregnant ladies and in the last week four more wee ones have been announced! Just today I have heard of TWO-and one is
my TWIN, so....I am wondering now if I might need to head to the store for a pregnancy test!!! Many hearty congratulations to all! I am wondering what is in the water...and where can I get some? ;-)

On the Complexities of Dinner:

This is Matt's final week of work and the boss and his wife has asked us to dinner. That sounds grand-but it's not. I don't know WHY they want to meet or WHAT we are supposed to talk about, since it all very awkward a situation. I invited them to dinner HERE but they INSISTED we go there. Their home is full of beautiful antiques and now that Andrew is crawling, I thought it would ease some of my looming tension. But they refused, rather bluntly, so instead a friend from church is coming over for an hour or two. I can only hope for the best, but in all honesty, I will be glad when this dinner is OVER.

On Baby woes:

Remember when Andrew was so sick? It didn't take long for all the pieces to come together. The very next night, he cried all through the night-so much that he slept in my arms all night on the pullout in the basement. The next morning-two bottom teeth had broken through his gums. For every breastfeeding mama-this is NOT an exciting milestone and I am no exception. Ouch.

On Preoccupied Hands:

My fingers still nimbly twist and turn yarn on that crocheted sampler afghan but I am ready for a quick crochet project that can be completed with instant gratification. SO-I was online and spied
this site that is home to tons and tons of free crochet patterns. I was looking for a pattern for a poncho for Corynn. Here is the one that I will probably try first-it CLAIMS to be 'easy'. We shall see. Here and here are a few more that I liked -including this one for Andrew! They will be great winter projects-my goal is to finish them by spring-so that they can USE them!

Well, those are the thoughts swirling around my head today! Happy Monday to all and to all a good night!
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Anonymous said...

Sorry the poncho picture didn't come through. Oh how I remember those teeth. Bobby had six by six months!!! Ouch. Who is your twin? Enjoy your dinner. Maybe they want to give you a Christmas gift or just thank Matt. Who knows. I know you will keep a positive attitude until you find out for sure.

Abigail said...

Seeing your tree is making me itch for one of my own. Well done!

Your boy is so cute. He needs a beard, though...

AND, quit teasing us. Let us know that you're pregnant already, woncha?!

Christine said...

Hi Rebecca!
Your little guy is such a cutie! I am praying for your dinner with the boss. I can feel your pain about not wanting to dine with active littles and expensive antiques all in the same location.

Wendy said...

I like all of your holiday decor!!! Dinner does sound a little daunting...but at least you have the little ones that can be such a distraction for both parties involved.

Wendy said...

I know someone else who is pregnant with the initials D.S...is this one of your fertile Myrtles???

Lisa said...

Ouch. I remember teething nursers. Ah, they've since been through braces and now are the teeth of a 17 year old. Excuse me while I go though a box of kleenex. lol

I hope the dinner is not too horribly awkward. I'm sure Matt is happy that he has such a loving wife to support him through it.

Els said...

Highest time to stop nursing (in my opinion). I never made it till teething, because mine were around 10 month when they started teething and by that time I was totally exhausted, they ate me up completely....
By the way did you get my email?

Rebecca said...

Mrs. Bibby~SIX by six months!?!? I have never heard of such a thing-perhaps I SHOULD be grateful for just two! :-)

Abby~Soon enough, soon enough! :-) Will you be getting one this year then...a tree that is? But a baby would be nice too... :-)

Christine~ Thank you. Dinner went well. It must have just been a gesture of kindness (with some controlling power-hungriness rolled in for good measure. But I was thankful for it-and thankful that it is over! hehehe)

Wendy~THAT MAKES THREE!!! Where is Matt? Where is he?!?!? HA!

Lisa~I think I would take the occasional pull and bite over the woes of braces any day. Well, today anyway. :-)

Els~I DID get your email-after reading this...what wonderful news! A return one awaits you! As for nursing, I tend to let them wean themselves-which happened very naturally for Corynn by the time she was a year or so. Once they begin to eat solid food, they slow down quite a bit on the nursing and the way THIS little guy eats-I don't foresee me nursing too awful much longer. SO, I am trying to enjoy it while it lasts...between the winces! :-)