Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Sparkly Pines

Corynn and I decided to tackle some of her Christmas gifts today. They are not fully completed as they are drying as I type. We used regular pinecones for ornaments. Notice the MASSIVE pinecones? They are about 6 inches tall!!!! Grandma Newman collected them and brought them back from her annual vacation. (I hope to get some more this year.) Anyway-I figured I would have Corynn paint a small terra cotta pot and hot glue the cones on top. Add a star to the tip and they are nice little trees to give as gifts. Corynn loved getting glittery...er, um...making the TREES glittery! Yeah-that too.

I type this now because I am a bachelorette for a few more hours. As soon as Matt came home, he headed off again to take los mexicanos to the stores (since they can't drive...). So, here I am, all by my lonesome. He promised to bring me back a treat...I wonder what I will get?!?!?!

It is positively FREEZING here-our heaters are not working upstairs! Not a good thing when it turns cold-like it has! When the dryer here bit the dust, Ed told us it was our responsibility to fix it so I know who's responsibility the heat-fixing will be. Ugh. So-to warm us up we headed to the kitchen to make some cookies...and turn on the oven!

I have been working tirelessly to organize the disorganized 'hot spots' in my house, namely, my bedroom and the craft room. I did our room yesterday and my craft room today. My goodness-it had been neglected since the craft show I did weeks ago! It feels good to have some floorspace-and TABLE room. It might just draw me into a few projects! And I have all sorts of ideas turning about in my head. Now for some time....

Have a great night!

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  1. The glittery trees are so pretty and what a wonderful gift idea! I hope you get your heat fixed soon, making cookies sounds like a good way to warm up! Maybe Matt will bring you home chocolate. :0)

  2. Anonymous7:13 AM

    Great idea for Corynn. The large pine cones make the best pine cone wreaths. Dave and Jenny have one. It is really pretty. Hope you enjoyed your treat!

  3. What fun! We are just now thinking about starting the Christmas crafts, and I definately need to get moving on Christmas cookies- tis the season :)

  4. What a great Christmas craft for your daughter. Love your blog.

  5. I love Christmas crafts! The pinecone trees are a great idea, they are so cute! I've missed visiting your blog, and love the new makeover. :)

  6. What little girl [or big] doesn't love to get glittttery. Along with the project. Precious!!!

  7. Usually by now we have several completed crafts under our belts...I am slacking off, but if ANYTHING gets you motivated to get crafting-it is THIS!


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