Monday, January 15, 2007

Crazy Bird

It doesn't matter if Matt makes silly faces at the camera or not. He is still the most handsome guy I know. I took this photo to document the start of his 'birthday transition'. You see, he grows a beard each winter and then shaves it off again for his birthday. But-if he REALLY wants a present early, he has to DO something for ME. This time, I asked him to shave his beard into a goatee (or how ever you spell that.)

An interesting side note: I must say, this year for the first time, instead of growing his beard to old-man, forest-bachelor lengths, Matt kept it trimmed and well kempt and I found it amazingly attractive. So-for all of my friends who knew me as an avid beard-hater, I am no longer. :-) That said, I do look forward to seeing him clean shaven again. BUT-I will look forward to his beard again come winter! Posted by Picasa


  1. I could make a silly, sarcastic comment about beards, but I'll leave that to John. And I think Matt looks really good, even if he's only half a man with a goatee. WHOOPS! Did I just do that...?

  2. Matt always looks great!! I really like the goatee...but I also like the beard too. hmmm...I even like long hair on some men IF they keep it trimmed and neat. I would not recommend Matt for long hair though...HA!

  3. Anonymous9:48 AM

    I like the full beard better - not that my opinion counts even if I am a "Newman"!! Hope you are all staying warm - does Dutchess have a heater in her dog house yet??

  4. Jean~Matt doesn't like the goatee either. He just did it for me. It is a nice change...for a month but I would prefer the full beard or no beard best.

    Dutchess has been sleeping in our attached garage at night now that the weather is cold, but that is a touchy subject because for the past two nights she has found hats of Matts to chew up. He went to work today grumbling like all get out! :-)

  5. Beards rock!!! They make a lovely, sexy feeling, rubbing across one's skin. Yes, even 'Nana's' know this. ,-)



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