Monday, January 15, 2007

Poor Little Guy

Andrew has this awful crack right down the center of his lower lip and there is NOTHING that I have been able to do to heal it. It is so chapped that when he smiles, it opens up and bleeds...again. He has invented this half o-shaped smile so that it won't hurt. I feel so bad for the poor sweetheart. Posted by Picasa


  1. Even that poor little cracked lip didn't take away from his cuteness- he is so adorable :)

  2. Oh poor thing. My son had this when he was a baby. Have you tried Aquaphor? It worked wonders for him.

  3. Thanks Morgan! I WILL try it-where would I find it? I have never seen or heard of it before. It is an ointment?

  4. He is a beautiful boy, and stripes rock.

    Susannah's upper lip is doing the same thing, and I'm using...guess what...Aquaphor. I got a sample tube from my midwife, and it's been buried in my diaper bag. I found it the other day when we were out, and smeared some on her lip. (It's a petroleum-based ointment that has lanolin in it.) If you have any pure lanolin, that's an excellent, natural moisturizer, too.

    Poor babes.

  5. I was going to say lanolin too...I always use that for the "ring around the mouth"...I figure if it helps cracked or sore must work on cracked and sore lips. Use it at night since it is so sticky!

  6. You should be able to get Aquaphor at the pharmacy. I would ask the pharmacist first because it can be found in some places you would not think to look. It is over the counter though.

  7. Poor little guy! I hope you are able to find the aquaphor. It sounds like it might do the trick!


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