Thursday, January 18, 2007


Because Blogger lost this post in the shuffle, this photo will now be out of order but these are too fantastic to miss.

At Bible Study, a woman brought in an overabundance of these lovelies. Apparently her family has a Christmas tradition to make these gorgeous suckers and since they were overwhelmed by the vast amounts of sugar, we got to share in the family fun! These beauties were just three of the amazing assortment of colors and shapes that she had to offer. Andrew got a rabbit (of which he only received two licks-the rest was lost to his sister, the candy snatcher), Corynn a horse, myself a peacock, and a steamferry for Matt. They were nearly too beautiful to eat-WERE being the operative word! Posted by Picasa


  1. These are adorable! I love how you are so creative! Your children are quite blessed.

  2. You can change the date AND time on a post so that way you can put them BACK in order!!! :)

    Also, I cannot remember what post I left the comment on asking if you wanted another batch of clothes or if you were doing fine,, so I do not know what your response was. If you do want them, just post a quick comment over at my blog (or email me if you still have my addy) and let me know. I am going to be boxing them up on Friday.

    Paula (lvg4him)

  3. Christine~it wasn't me who was so creative, though my children (and myself as well) WERE very blessed to get such pretty yummies for our eyes and bellies to admire!

    Paula~I didn't know that! That is cool. IF I can figure out how! I posted a comment on your blog just a few minutes ago. I type this here, I don't know why. :-)

  4. Anonymous10:01 PM

    These remind me of the "clear toys" in Tasha Tudor's book, Becky's Christmas!

  5. Jean~I LOVE Tasha Tudor! I will have to look up that book at the Library, since that is one I have never seen...

  6. I love these pops.

  7. There cool, love the photos


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