Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Swan Lake

Out of the three presents Corynn got this year, this was Corynn's *big* Christmas gift (all of $20.00) . A learn Ballet set that included instructional DVD's. She has really enjoyed practicing (though between you and me she isn't quite getting the 'learning' part yet! hehehe) But I must say, she was precious in her little makeshift tutu (a bathing suit and a fluffy skirt) and she INSISTED on having her wispy hair drawn up into a bun 'just like a real ballerina!'. Posted by Picasa


  1. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Oh please share the name of the DVD Corynn has. I have been wanting to get something along these lines for Elizabeth. ~Jen

  2. Esther got a Bella Dancerella for Christmas or a Birthday one year. It took her a year before she really got into it and wanted to do it everyday. She had to have her ballerina costume as well...it was good excercise so I encouraged it:) Corynn looks so sweet.

  3. Anonymous11:11 AM

    This is a really neat idea! I will file this away in case I ever have a girl. :)


  4. Jen-it is Bella Dancerella and it comes with two mats, a ballet bar, and two DVD's. I purchased mine at Target but saw it at Walmart too. Target has it for nearly $10.00 less though. I think Lizzie would LOVE it and would be old enough to REALLY learn from it!


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