Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Andrew's Valentine Surprise

I was wracking my brain for SOMETHING to do for Andrew for Valentine's Day and, FINALLY, the day BEFORE the BIG day, an idea popped into my head. Very spur of the moment-but, that is me.

I came up with this little guy. I am in love with it. I have never made a creature before, but as cute as this little guy is, I think there are many more in my future! It is SUPER soft single crocheted creature, and very small~but is a cutie.
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  1. I love it!!!! It's adorable!

  2. It's cute, I wish I knew how to crochet. I started knitting a year ago adn enjoy it!

    Leigh Ann (PA)

  3. Momma Roar-oh-TRY. It is fun-and if you can knit, you CAN crochet! After I master the crocheting (or get semi-good anyway) I am moving on to knitting!

  4. My reader showed me the other picture of Andrew with the "duck" first (I too thought it was a duck) and thought OH HOW CUTE! I felt almost memorized "I simply MUST have that pattern!!!" (Ok, a little Stepford wifeish, but it is true!) Then I found out YOU did this! WOW!! Do you even HAVE pattern!? LOL! :) I hope you do, because as you can see, I am not the only one who likes this!!!


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