Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Birthday Pictures

You asked...and you get! (Or wait...DID you ask?!?-Oh well!) I meant to post a COUPLE pictures, and yet, an HOUR later and fifteen pictures later....I think I might have over done it. Oh well. Thanks to Elizabeth for all these birthday pictures...
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  1. How FUN!!! I love planning surprises, what a special day for your hubby! I love all the pictures you posted, it looks like lots of fun was had by all!!!

  2. Great birthday pictures, Rebecca!! It looks like such a fun time with friends and family and the cakes look amazing!!!

  3. Yes pictures! We love pictures! :-)

    And even tho you got somewhat 'un-gussied-up,' before you could be caught on film... you are still looking might fancy there. :-)

    Everyone looks as if a wonderful time was had by all. It was a very sweet surprise, you got together for your husband.



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