Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Cake time!

I feel a *bit* embarrassed by my feeble attempt to cake decorate when I have friends that are cake wizards and artists. But, here it is anyway. Lopsided and all! My only comfort is that you can't taste lopsided. I was very happy when Matt said the icing was 'to die for'-his words, not mine. I made it from scratch this year instead of just mixing peanut butter with the storebought vanilla icing.
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  1. Oh wow!!! Are those Reese's Peanut Butter cups?? My all time favorite. Your cake looks DELICIOUS!!!

  2. Very pretty and tasty looking! You have quite a knack at every domestic endeavor. I definitely could use your help as a homemaking tutor. Blessings!

  3. Anonymous2:03 PM

    You did a wonderful job on that cake! It looks very yummy!

  4. That is such a cute decorating idea.

    And lopsided or not, I'm sure it tasted just yummmmy, and that's what counts.


  5. Those were reese cups and that is EXACTLY what came out of Matt's mouth when he saw it too! hehehe

    Christine-that is very kind of you to say-but unfortunately, I can't claim it to be true. There is so much I still need to learn and even MORE I need to get better at. Thankfully, I have my whole life (and I pray it will be a long one-because I will need it!)


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