Monday, February 05, 2007

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Our weekend was as I thought it might be. Besides a few hours of tractor-play on Saturday morning, the rest of the weekend had Matt in the bed, sick as a dog. The kids played with the grandparents and I crocheted. But no visiting any of my family due to bad roads. And no going to church due to Matt’s sickyness. I drove home while the whole car slept.


  1. -sigh- Poor Matt. You were right. But of course, he'd not stay home.

    Men... ,-)


  2. Even so, it sounds like a relaxing weekend! Kids looked after, and you all the time you wanted to socialize with your inlaws and crochet at the same time!
    We do wish you all the best, and love from the snuffling Drijfhouts.

  3. Kids looked after WAS a good part. Although, the aftermath at being at the grandparents' house can be trying at times. Too much candy, too lax rules, and not nearly enough sleeping...

    But you are righ, Els. It was a fun visit, despite everything else.

    MN~Some day perhaps he will listen to me!


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