Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Plop goes the Weasel

Ollie's is one of our favorite stores, because of all the cheap books! But even when we don't BUY them, it is so much fun to look through them. Corynn goes straight to the MASSIVE childrens section and plops down right in the center of the aisle to read. When she is done, she puts it back and grabs another and so it goes...for an hour-while I do the same thing minus the plopping.
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  1. How fun! We love doing the same thing at Barnes and Noble or Borders...I'll take all the kids, they settle in the kids section and play or look at books forever, and I do the same. Such good times! It's one of our favorite field trips!

  2. It sounds like the type of store that John and I try to steer clear of to avoid tempting ourselves beyond what we're able. Library bag sales, on the other hand...

    (I bet if we had Ollie's here, you'd be seeing snapshots of certain someones there, anyway, though.)


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