Friday, February 09, 2007

Prizes in store!

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Remember when I was awarded the Home Made Simplicity award? Well, my prize apron from Peggy was received just in time for my kitchen binge! Corynn loves it and doesn't stop talking about it when I wear it. In fact, I didn't want to dirty it when I made cookies today so I put my well-worn one on...and Corynn told me that THAT was not acceptable and I need to wear my 'skirt' one. When I took it off for the day, she even asked me to put it back on!

And wouldn't you know-with my shirt sleeves rolled up and my hands deep in cookie dough, Matt brought in a SURPRISE package today with ANOTHER prize in it, from Sandy, another Simplicity Award winner! In it was a handmade dishcloth and a delicious bar of homemade oatmeal soap! What a fabulous day this has been!

Sandy-if by chance you are reading this, I thank you so much for filling up my mailbox with your special handiwork-you have truly delighted me with your kindness! I will be sending a little note of appreciation your way soon!

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