Friday, February 02, 2007

Surprise, Surprise!

I am on ONE MORE TIME today... Lookie what I received in the mail today? My sister sent me a care package out of the blue and what a surprise it was! My most favorite is the bottle of spiedie marinade. I love PA, really I do, but these PA people don't know what they are missing out on when they don't know about NY chicken spiedies!

Since this is naptime at your house Elizabeth, it is a safer bet to write this hear versus calling. Thank you SO much for the letter and treats! It really DID make my day. REALLY. Thank you! Posted by Picasa


  1. What a WONDERFUL sister!!! And what a great surprise!! What is that movie I see?

    Sorry to hear about your heater problems. Glad they are now fixed. And glad you were able to have a bit of fellowship with a dear friend!! You are so blessed!!!

    Thanks for the victorian artwork site!! I downloaded a bunch of stuff and am now working on my calling cards. And those paper dolls, all printed and MAN my fingers hurt from all that tiny cutting. HOW did you do it?? I will post pics of both the calling cards and dolls once I get them finished.

    So BOY have you been an inspiration to me lately!! :) I have been wanting to do paper dolls for my girls for quite sometime (even collected quite a few), but never got up the courage until I saw how CUTE yours looked!!

    Ok, off to do my blog post for the day!

  2. Rebecca as a nanni of 8 you know I could never tire of coming to visit your blog it is just so lovely to read about your day, your good looking man and your darlings.

    Like our grown family of four who are all married with children of their own you like them give me a feeling that the world will be so! ok! passing it to the next generation. You are a wonderful woman.

    Lee-ann (from Australia)

  3. OK, so I got my dolls done! You can see pics on the blog.

  4. Lee Ann, thank you so much! It is SO kind of you to say such things!!! Getting such sweet comments just make my day!

    Paula~ great job on the dolls! I love how your color formatted techno savvy! ;-)


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