Friday, February 09, 2007

This graced the food table as well...

I took six votive holders, filled them with water then arranged them in a heart shape. I then cut blooms about 1 1/2-2 inches from roseheads and placed them in the water, making sure to distribute the colors evenly.

It was such a beautiful centerpiece and the hostess was very pleased when I told her she could keep it, along with the extra uncut roses. (I must was hard to let such beautiful roses go after just buying them-I was only able to do it by convincing myself that Matt would get me some soon...I hope!) Posted by Picasa


  1. Boy, this would be difficult for me to part with- it is so beautiful, and perfect for Valentine's Day :)

  2. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Beautiful job, Rebecca!

    Michelle from MI

  3. Anonymous9:20 AM

    GORGEOUS...and soo simple!! you are soo creative..i admire you and you have great ideas!

  4. It got a few ooh's and aahhs...of course-most of them were from me! :-)

  5. this is SO BEAUTIFUL!! and I feel so stupid because I just cannot make it work! can you draw up a quick photo (you can take a digital pic of it so you don't have to scan it in) or do a step by step pic tutorial?? :) Mine just is NOT looking like this!! UGH!! I know it is some simple step I am missing (maybe not placing the votives in the right place. I am getting so frustrated! LOL!!

  6. This is gorgeous. Well done, Martha!


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