Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Answering Questions MY style!!


Several people have asked me recently what type of camera I use. Well, HERE IT IS! All my photos are taken with this little guy, the Nikon Coolpix 5600. We received it as a baby/going away gift last year and it is seriously the VERY best gift we have EVER received. Not only does it take beautiful pictures, but it even has a MOVIE option-so we had a video camera as well! It is small thing but takes wonderful pictures. (Take a look at my archives (I am embarrassed to send you there) to see the 5 photo limit digital camera I was working with before...yikes! That was and IS awful!)

Someday I would love to get a fancy shmancy digital to take 'professional' shots (my dream? The Canon Rebel XT-only $1,000.00!!!!) but right now...well. THAT is just not feasible. Besides. What would I use it for to make it pay for itself? Certainly not kiddo pictures. Not of MINE anyhow. I will say though, I do miss very much focusing by hand. THAT is real photography!

If you are in the market for a nice quality digital-think about this one. It puts out a phenomenal photograph considering its humble size!
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  1. Rebecca,
    I buy all of my pro equipment at B&H Photo out of New York. Here's a link to the camera you are talking about...for $612.

    Check it out. They are a very reputable dealer.
    Good luck!

  2. What a great picture, Rebecca!!!

  3. I am in the market for a new digital. lol! That's why I asked. Ok, another question. Does it have good shutter speed? Sorry for all the questions.

  4. Thanks so much Alison! Wow-that is CONSIDERABLY less than the places I have been pricing them! Thanks for sharing the site!

    Devildogwife~I remember you writing about getting a new one when you visited the zoo! :-) This IS a great one. I don't know how much it will run you as it was a gift. AS for shutter speed-I have not found a way to change it from slow to fast so that STINKS. It does poorly in low lit conditions (you have to wait for several flashes to complete) but in the sun it snaps quickly.

  5. Anonymous2:15 PM

    I have the Rebel XT and LOVE IT! I dabble in photography and I outgrew my point & shoot and my Pentax SLR cost a pretty penney to shoot & develope. I don't regret spending the money on it, I recomend you get the macro lens if you want to take close-up shots, also the UV filter to nutralize the colors for a very tru-to-life effect. I saved for a while, but it's worth it! Also, get the tripod too! Good luck!
    J. Coye


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