Thursday, March 08, 2007


We interrupt the regular scheduled programming for this Proud Mama Moment...

We have this fantastic dry erase paper on an easel in our 'school area' and one fun 'game' that we often play is a childish form of Pictionary. Sometimes we do a thing, sometimes an animal, etc. Sometimes we do things more difficult like a story.

I drew a picture representing Jack and the Beanstalk and Corynn guessed it even before the stalk had reached the skies.

Then it was her turn.

She drew this amazing picture of a treehouse with two children and a Mama in it. The Papa, she drew on the other half of the paper (and he had ELBOWS!) working with a COW (which had spots!). It was very intricate and detailed, for her age and I was like- "Woah. This girl is GOOD! I wish this was on REAL paper instead of dry erase paper." I asked her if we could keep it to show Papa-but she said no. Then, I tried Grandma and Grandpa, who are coming this weekend. Again, no. WE HAVE TO SHOW SOMEONE THIS-this is REALLY good! But, she couldn't be convinced. Argh. It might have been a good thing though, I probably would have blown it up for our Christmas card or something!!

It was her turn again. She drew an octopus (with EIGHT legs, mind you.) She asked me to draw one too-a SISTER. Naturally. So I did. Then she said-"Mama, how do you spell OCTOPUS?"

"Well, Corynn...what does it SOUND LIKE?"

We worked on our sounds and figured out the spelling and she wrote every single letter-by herself and in the right order. Then, I was laughing so hard and gushing so much-she did it again, this time needing only an occasional reminder of the letter. Wooooweeee. For a three year old, I'd say that is pretty darn good!

Well-I knew I might have some problems bragging this up if she started to erase it so I had to snap up a picture for proof. Here it is-my girl wrote OCTOPUS. All by herself. Oh, the great things she's done in her life! hehehe

(For those of you mothers who are singing the praises of their sons who have turned doctors and their daughters who have wrote books-I know you are chuckling...but bear with me. Octopus is as good as it gets right now!)
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1 comment:

  1. HOORAY CORYNN :) I think that is pretty darn good myself, you have EVERY RIGHT to gush and be proud!
    Honestly, my 10 yr old probably wouldn't take the time to learn how to spell it correctly (I don't know that he would know how to spell it if I just asked him to)

    I think it is JUST GREAT! Tell Corynn Auntie Beth is SO proud of her :)


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