Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Happy Hump Day!

It's Wednesday and we are officially OVER THE HUMP! Huuu RAH!


Last night I had planned an elaborate meal for our company, but because of our 'sunshine detour', I didn't get to the grocery store. I scrapped the plans and had to use what I had in the cupboard. Instead of pork tenderloin, I made a boring lasanga. I felt sort of bad about it-but they didn't seem to mind. (Only because they didn't know what the OPTION was!)

We had homemade lasagna, homemade Italian herb bread (Matt's favorite), fancy salad, homemade applesauce, homemade iced tea, and homemade apple crisp. Ha. Catching a theme? Everything I make is homemade. :-) Why did I even bother WRITING it?Q? ANYWAY. It was a fun time. The dinner guests didn't arrive until 6:30 so I fed Andrew beforehand and put him to bed right before dinner. He needed it after such a busy day and it gave me a VERY enjoyable dinner where the fork went to MY mouth EVERY time and didn't detour to the baby. Can you believe it?!? Wow-what a treat!


The house is immaculate. I mean, really. I am afraid to touch anything for fear of ruining it. Since the only way to KEEP it this way is to LEAVE, I think it might be a good time to go grocery shopping, since I haven't in over a week! Which is why I am posting this pictures so early. I think I am going to try to head to a place called SURPLUS CITY today as well. I have never been, but many sewers I know have nothing but rave reviews about the fabric and crafting warehouse. I need some more fabric for my 'big girl' skirt, the last one I make before shipping them out. SO, I will be brave and try my hand at exploring and see if I find a treasure at the end of the hunt.


Have a happy Wednesday everyone!
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  1. Anonymous12:05 PM


    I love reading your blog :) I am just starting to expand upon my bread making and would love the Italian Herb bread recipe that you baked. It just sounds delicious! :) Would you please post it (or a link to it)??


  2. Sure thing. I will do it tomorrow! Thanks Melissa!

  3. Anonymous2:48 PM

    do you know that i have never in my whole entire life made a lasagne? i love it, and i'd like to, but i just am too intimidated to try. how's that for ridiculous. anyway, thanks for the nice comment. it was not true, but i liked it anyway.

  4. Rebecca, there is nothing boring about a homemade lasagna, yours looks SO good!!! I would love your apple sauce recipe. :0)

  5. Hey Rebecca! Your lasagna looks yummy. I am glad you are felling better.

  6. Everything looks both beautiful and delicious. And you were so sweet, to invite these dinner guests.

    *No more noises* about what it wasn't! It _was_ perfect.


  7. Thanks everyone for making me feel better about my lasagna! It was a good time visiting, which is the most important part anyway! :-)

  8. Lasagna is yummy. That's a fabulous meal.


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