Saturday, March 24, 2007

Monday's post, two days shy

I am posting Monday's post on SATURDAY because, well, I want to. Monday's seem always to be such a busy day-but I spend much of the morning posting pictures so my 'busy-ness' is put off. Since everyone in the house is having their mid-day nap except me and the ladybugs surrounding me, I thought now an appropriate time. I will probably post the contest on Monday-but ONE post is far less time-consuming than all these photos.


Is that not the most beautiful mask you have ever seen? I want one. I usually have a strict HANDS-OFF policy at non-book stores...especially when 'fragile' or 'expensive' enter the picture. But I made an exception with this beauty when we were window shopping at T.J.Maxx the other day.

Yes-had Corynn dropped it and smashed it to smithereens we would have been out $60.00, but the opportunity could not be missed. Just holding it up to your face, practically sent you into a beautiful castle, dancing along with the fellow masked guests at a masquerade. Oh, the secrets that could be kept behind your mask!

I wish I were clever enough to reproduce it-for far less money. I will probably give it a go, no doubt with far lesser results. It would be so much fun though. When I have time for frivolty...

Which means, soon.

I have come to a most profound conclusion and that is: People make time for the things most important to them. If they enjoy it-they FIND time to do it. That is why the sewing seeds skirt-making was no real sacrifice on my part. I enjoyed doing it very much. Now-if it had been selling candy bars to raise money-I probably would have shrunk off the responsibility. Or worse, ate the goods. But the girls at the orphanage would have been no less needy.

I have proudly posted photos of all my recent projects to share the joy in creating, but you should see my kitchen sink. Yes. I find time to do the things I want to do. I haven't scoured that in a L-O-N-G time and it shows. So you see my priorities.

I write this because, take it for what it's worth, people have choices to make everyday. We are not all victims. Some people choose to do the fun and frivolous, while neglecting the necessary and good. Others, do only the necessary and cry "UNFAIR" when they do not seek to complete (or start) projects that would give them great joy. Only a few of the exceptionally wise and disciplined-get the proportions right. It is a delicate balance; getting to what you would LOVE to get to and doing all that needs to be done.

One that I haven't yet mastered-that is FOR SURE.

My devotions show it. My 'learning to read' time with Corynn shows it. My sink shows it.

Do the responsible tasks which you need/want to do each day and then, set aside some time for you-to do a bit of the frivolous. Don't hold yourself back-don't be your own worst enemy. You CAN do good things for yourself. Those 'fun things' are necessary too, sometimes even more necessary than mopping the floor. You need to feel refreshed and happy. If you are 'charged up', you will reflect a happy and contented spirit. You will feel good and happy and that will be a blessing to you AND your family. At the same time, you SHOULD do right things for your home and family. You will not be able to fully enjoy yourself, if you are feeling guilty at having neglected important areas of the home/family.

Work on the tender balance of responsibility and being free. And if you do, let me know how it is going and I will let you know where my own road is leading. :-)

Happy day to you-whatever day you read this!
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  1. Anonymous3:54 PM

    I couldn't agree with you more. I, too, always say that people find the time to do the things that they want to do. And so it goes with time for friends!!! That is why I am coming to see your mom! The day is coming near.

  2. You are absolutely right. We do find time to do the things that we really want to do, and we need to make sure that we take time to take care of ourselves.

  3. Well said...and about the mask...yes, it is absolute beautiful! And, you could most definitely reproduce it with this stuff (I've made masks before) but I totally forgot the name of it...maybe it's just a pregnancy moment or something...I'll check and post it for you...Happy Sunday!

  4. I love that snapshot. It's surreal.

  5. hello,
    I don't think I have posted before, but I just wanted to let you know that I very much enjoy the wonderful pictures that you take. It is so fun to have a little glimpse into your life and all the fun activities you do.

  6. I too love this shot- this is definately one for the wall, in my opinion!

  7. Mrs. B~I am working it out that we can be out for Mom's birthday so I hope to see you for bit of your visit too! :-)

    Catherine~you'll have to let me know when you remember. Actually I was just thinking about buying the little masks at A.C.Moore but to make it more authentic...

    Jennifer~thanks for introducing yourself! I always love to meet new readers! I hope you come again!

    Elizabeth~wall worthy?!?


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