Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The nest

I just LOVE this. The whole thing cost less than $3.00. The berry wreath was $1.00, the nest was $.79 and the eggs were .29cents a piece. It it is the perfect symbol of spring, of rebirth. I love to look at it!
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  1. I just love the little nest! Also, I'm going to borrow your idea for my upstairs banister. We have a 2-story foyer and when you look up, you see the banister. I always decorate it for Christmas, but never thought about doing it for spring and Easter. What a great idea!

    Your blog is always such a pleasure for me to read.

    Happy Spring and have a wonderful day.


  2. Thanks so much Gena! I am glad you found me and I appreciate your little notes every now and again...really I do!

    I am glad you are gonna steal the banister idea-but don't stop at Easter and spring...go for it throughout the year. I even add pumpkins to mine in the fall. I will be sad when we move if I don't have another one.

    My favorite time is when I have fresh flower bouquets there...then you get to see AND smell beauty when you first walk in. Oh--I need fresh flowers!!!

  3. Oh, that is just beautiful!! I love it!


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