Friday, March 02, 2007

Not to forget the Little Guy

Yesterday, we put fresh bedding on our beds. I am hoping this might be the last time we need to use flannel sheets for the winter? That is probably wishful thinking though...

I remember as a child, there was something magical about a bed with no blankets on it. I think it is universally-child, Andrew squealed with delight, unable to contain his excitement at the prospects.
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1 comment:

  1. What I notice first is.... the so typical baby thing of.... Socks always, always, always coming off.

    I see Andrew has wiggled one, down nearly to his heel. And the other one, has been _successfully_ totally wiggled _off_. I can see his precious toes. I love it!!!

    Your Baby Duty has been well done today, Oh Sir Baby Andrew!!!!!!! :-))))



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