Monday, March 26, 2007

On the menu:

Charcoaled chicken spiedies (I guess watching after a roaming almost walker and helping a little Miss ride a bike took me from the grill a few too many times...) Thankfully I had some...

Kielbasa to throw on there too-to supplement the ashes of chicken

Onions, peppers and mushrooms

Garlic potato wedges

and my favorite:

Grilled peaches and blueberries (both in our freezer), carmelized with brown sugar

The last three items were each grilled in their own makeshift aluminum foil NO CLEANUP! Wa-HOO!
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  1. What a delicious looking meal, Rebecca! I love the versatility of your meals.

  2. oh yum that all looks so good!!!

  3. Versatility...hehehe. Yep. Our meals get there versatility from the garage dolly they are on! ;-)

    Thank you gals, for your sweet comments.


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