Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Petronella finds a home

Thanks for the MANY wonderful suggestions on how to put Petronella Cottontail to good use! There were so many ideas that I have some inspiration to get started on some more smallish embroidery designs! Wanna see where she finally found a home?

Well, I must start out by saying-I shoulda made a bookmark! Goodness gracious-I always get in over my head! I loved the apron idea but I made Corynn an apron for Christmas two years ago and she adores it. So-I adapted the concept into an apron for her favorite doll. After all, she has been begging to use real newborn clothes to change outfits since she didn't have doll clothes. It was a perfect idea!

But, I thought, how much cuter would it be to have a matching DRESS?

And then, as is the way with me, a apron-clad girl preparing for a good days work certainly needs a kerchief to keep those pesky plastic hair flyaways at bay! :-)

Because I was monkeying around without a pattern (one thing always leads to another...) I am not at all pleased with how the dress turned out. My first attempt had it looking like a freakishly long tight-fitting miniskirt. No no. That wouldn't do. So... I had to make silly little triangle inserts on the sides made from the coordinating apron material. Not exactly professional looking, but it IS a dress for her doll. It DOES have velcro straps so she can dress and undress her as she pleases.

She was very pleased with it. When I presented it to her-she got this very serious look on her face and said "Oh. I love it. I just love it." She went to bed a very happy girl...

And I went to bed a happy Mama. Happy she was happy-and happy to be rid of it!

On to my NEXT project...whatever THAT may be! :-)


  1. Okay, this is too weird. About 2 months ago, I let Millie "sew" with a needle and thread while I mended. She made lines and had fun and decided that she wanted to sew something for both Susannah and Annika for their birthdays. The plan we devised? For Susannah-- an embroidered onesie (which Millie hasn't started yet because summer onesies are in storage; plus, from her brief sewing stint, she knows nothing more than "pull the needle through, push the needle down"). For Annika-- a doll dress sewn by me and embroidered by Millie, which I haven't even started yet (no surprise there!).

    April Fool's Day fast approaches, and I've got to get cracking, especially now that I see how cute yours turned out. It looks great! (I'm dreading how mine will look, to be honest.)

    So in about three weeks, if there's a picture of an embroidered doll dress on shotsnaps, don't think we're the world's biggest idea-snitchers.

    Yours truly,
    The World's Biggest Idea Snitchers

  2. Anonymous11:32 AM

    It is adorable, and you are right. You are both happy, and that is what counts. Kids are such blessings and such ego boosters!!!

  3. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Oh my goodness, how adorable. I soooooo love it. I agree with the little princess holding it.

    Wonderful job.


  4. Oh, it's perfect!! So cute!! Corynn's face says it all...she looks so happy!!! You did a great job!

  5. As always, great job Rebecca..You always make such wonderful things!

  6. Thanks everyone. I am glad you like it...I am equally glad you all don't get to see it in person! hehehe

    Abby~Wow! That was a fantastic idea for Millie! I am quite impressed with her and look forward to seeing her artwork! BTW-I was worried you would think me an idea snatcher when I made my Panda cake for Andrew just like you made a bird for Susannah.

    So there you go-you know what they say about 'great minds'?? ;-)


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