Saturday, March 24, 2007

Ready for mailing...

We headed to the post office on Friday to mail out our skirts and conclude our part in the sewing seeds project. The skirts made quite a pile!

I have to admit. I am sort of sad to be done with it. Perhaps it sounds silly but with each skirt I stitched, I found myself wondering about the girl who would wear it. What does she like to do? Does she have the great happiness that most children posess? What does she find joy in? What will her reaction be when she sees a dress made just for her? Will this skirt help to cheer her soul and make her feel beautiful?

And I found myself praying for her. Where ever she is, who ever she is, however old she is. I don't know these things-but it is an amazing thing to think about-that the omniscient Lord knows precisely who I am praying for. He knows her by name and more intimately than even she might realize. We are connected, she and I, by the love of a Father. I pray that through the trials of her young life, she finds solace, hope and JOY from the Father of all.

I hope the skirts that were so graciously stitched by SO many people show these girls that they are precious. I wish I could show some of them personally. I wish we could bring some home ourselves. If only we could afford it...we would welcome them with open arms.
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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:18 AM

    This is a sweet post! It is so neat to think that the skirts we made are for specific girls. Gods plan reaches even to the small things in life like clothes!

    Looking forward to getting all those lovely skirts in the mail!


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