Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Smiley Boy

This is his first experience with a baseball cap-and he kept it on nearly the whole time! Which was good, because the sun was hot and I got a sunburn! My first of MANY, I am sure.
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  1. Andrew is surely growing up all of a sudden! It's hard to believe he will be one in less than a month! Do you have any special birthday plans for him?

  2. You know, I just came to the realization that his birthday was in about 2 weeks YESTERDAY. I am scrambling! No plans except I just figured out what kind of cake I am going to make. Any guesses?!?! ;-)

    What about you and your little guy?!?!

  3. I love his grin! And you beat me to the first sunburn of the season. Congratulations!


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