Monday, March 12, 2007

Snow people

Finally, Corynn got to play in the snow and build a snowman! And all it took was for Grandma and Grandpa to come! I feel kind of bad that I am such a snow recluse that Corynn suffers...but at the same time, I can justify it by saying Andrew couldn't just be PLOPPED in the snow.

Anyway. Now that the weather is warm, the snow people have been shortlived.
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  1. I'm with you! On that 'snow recluse' thing!!!! :-)


  2. I am also not what you would call a snow person. It is ok to a point (maybe a day or two), then I want it GONE!

  3. I did a bit of Susannah-plopping, but I know what you mean! I've only taken the girls out a handful of times the ENTIRE winter, even though they would have been happy going out every day.


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