Monday, March 12, 2007

Stitch by Stitch

It's been a while since I gave an update on my afghan project. That is not to say it hasn't been worked on, just hasn't been talked about. I decided today is the day for an update, since I started two squares and finished one square in the waiting room before my testing was done. No better time I'd say!

The progress is slow, but it is definitely there. I have completed 11 squares-though only three of them have the finished edging in ecru stitched around them. Eleven squares though! That is more than an ENTIRE column in the project! I am 1/7 of the way finished!!! Wow. That doesn't sound as impressive as before. I will stick with saying 11 squares!! ;-)

Here are some of the most recent additions to my pile. I am not doing the squares in the order of the book-rather, I am looking at the ones I *think* I can figure out or finding ones that I think are exceptionally pretty to do. This is why the above photo is all rose and ecru colored squares. The sage squares haven't been all that appealing to me lately.
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  1. Mmmmm, I love these colors. And I'll love the sage too, I'm sure. When it again appeals to you. ,-)

    PS Some pics of your tiles, please..... Remember?

  2. Rebecca! I'm reading back wards here. You had the C-scan today {Monday}. And follow up appointment on Tuesday. Please try to update us, as soon as you can, after the Tues. appointment.

    I can't remember just what you had all the pain with, a week or so ago. But these things you stated now, sound like infection going on. I do hope they find the full cause and then, you can be given the Rx you need.

    Hugs, hugs, hugs,

  3. Rebecca,
    you have come a long way in your crocheting...You are doing an amazing job, learning all these new stitches....You afghan will look, as Wendy Valentine would say FABULOUS :)

  4. Beautiful. I love the variety of pattern on these.


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