Thursday, March 22, 2007

This is for you Jean-thanks a stinkin' LOT!

WARNING: You can stop watching this video after the funny chalk moment (you will know it when you see it). After that, it is simply an obsessed Mama waiting for something profound to happen but never does.

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To understand just how WRONG it is that Andrew's first multi-syllable word is the name of our DOG, you must first realize...he has not yet even said "Mama"! "Hi" is the only real word he knows. He has something that he refers to Corynn as, but that is IT.

I am seriously thinking about barring this child from getting any birthday presents...


  1. My son called me by my first name before he called me Momma. It used to break my heart, especially when we'd be out in public. I felt like I was his babysitter or something, but not his mom. I had to have my husband start calling me momma so he would hear it more often - that finally worked. Then, I had a hard time getting my husband to quit calling me momma and start calling me by my name.

  2. I am sure it DID break your heart! That is so sad!

    You never win do you? Either your son or your husband...never both! I am sure your daughter didn't have a problem though! :-)

  3. Aww...I'm sure he'll get it. Kaden said Dada, hat, and cat before he started saying Mama (which he has just in the last week started saying)...
    The video is so cute though! I can't believe how big Dutchy has gotten!

  4. aawww he's soo cute! he almost looks like he knows what he's up to! LOL!!
    great video. Thanks for stopping by my blog, feel free to visit anytime! :O)


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