Thursday, April 05, 2007

Baking Bread for the first time!

I was in the kitchen, preparing to make some rolls with the dough I had just made when Corynn came in. She saw me don my apron and saw the rolling pin on the counter and she started to squeal...'WAIT! WAIT! I will help you!!!"

She flew to her kitchen set and returned just SECONDS later, arms brimming with apron, cookie sheet and rolling pin which she promptly threw on the table and then ran to the bathroom to fetch her stool.

"Good grief!" I thought. "This was supposed to be a two minute job!" But even the horrid, green-faced selfish Mama that reared her ugly head couldn't withstand the sight of a certain Little Miss bubbling forth with excitement, miniature rolling pin in hand.

So-she had her first bread making experience. She rolled a pint-sized portion of dough with her pint-sized rolling pin; sprinkled a pinch full of cornmeal on her teeny weeny cookie sheet and made the family some rolls for supper. As pint-sized as it all was, it left a HUGE impression.
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  1. What a sweetie. Rebecca, I can wholeheartedly relate about what happened with your sweetie. I get so into my agenda and my list of chores, that often I leave my children out of helping. You are such a sweet mama and thank you for so candidly sharing from your heart. I get so frustrated with myself that I am not more patient, yet. It just shows me how much I need Him to work in my heart. Blessings to you, dear friend.

  2. Christine-I think you are being very humble and modest...I see so often your children working right along side you in the kitchen and beyond. You seem to just radiate patience! Though it IS good to be modest, know that your children are VERY blessed to have a Mama like you!

  3. I agree with all that you said. Sometimes it is hard to slow down and let the little ones help out, but it is SO worth it to see their beaming faces and messes hands...

    The boys and I just got done making some sugar cookies for Easter. :)


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