Tuesday, April 10, 2007

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  1. This one is my favorite! How did you get such a close-up? Even when I use Macromode, I still can't capture the details so vividly!

  2. I don't know...I use my macro mode and make sure I move whatever I am taking a picture of to the window so there is lots of light. Then I just monkey around with the focus until it is sharp where I want it to be sharp.

    Maybe try increasing the natural light?

  3. I love this one best! You have a macro mode? Forgive my drooooool. Is this using the camera about which you just recently posted?

  4. Yes. It has a close-up icon that you switch to. It is my favorite button-and most often never needs to be changed! I do so LOVE my closeups! ;-)

  5. I bet yours has one too Abby-did it come with a manuel? Just for kicks-if yours has a 'scene' button (or something similar...if you hit menu it *might* take you to options. maybe. Yours looks just as fancy as mine!

  6. My camera has awesome extras for its price and does have a close-range feature (most do, nowadays), in which the camera automatically sets the focus for that range. The only way I've been able to get as close a focus as this one is by digitally zooming and cropping it on the computer, though, which, if I'm given lovely lilies like yours, I will most certainly do! I really, really love this picture. (And, by the way, I really, really love my camera, too...)

  7. Ok. Try this. I do this sometimes too. If the camera only allows you to focus at a certain range-focus at that range and push the button halfway down to lock that focus than move the camera to get really close.

    The object that you had focused on will still be sharp. I think. :-)

  8. Alas, no. Fuzzy Wuzzy.


    I'll have to try it with the other camera. Keep these tips coming, please.


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