Thursday, April 05, 2007

The closet

This is the open closet-THANKFULLY out of view from the door. Here is the lowdown on it though. (Yes-it IS organized despite its appearance!) Nearly everything in this closet is for NEXT year.

The shelf above from left to right: boxes of winter shoes stacked and ready for next year. Small basket is Andrews socks and ties large basket is Andrew's shoes (those of course are for this year...). Box is storage.

The clothing hung is all things I bought for $2-4.00 on sale for next year. (Notice all the red tags?!?) I supplement with yard sales and thrift stores, but I do like to have a few special things NEW- when priced right, that is. As you can see, I have a winter coat for Corynn and a snow suit for Andrew, among other things!

The bottom bins are next years winter clothes. The bin on the left is Andrew's the bin on the right is Corynns. The bin above Corynn's winter clothing bin is a bin for clothes that the children grow out of.

The blue laundry basket is filled with things to be sold at a yard sale. It is BRIMMING as I am on a mission to purge ourselves of STUFF!
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