Thursday, April 05, 2007


I have really been struggling with the shoe issue in this house. Every time we would get ready to go I would say, "Corynn...get your shoes on!" And without fail I would hear in just a moment, "I can't find the OTHER one!" Well-did you check by the door? The closet? Under your bed?

THIS is ridiculus! So. I found a basket lying about that fits PERFECTLY under her bed. (I very much dislike the cluttered look of shoes haphazardly thrown under the bed. We now have a new protocol. Shoes go IN the basket when you take them off. Only shoes that are MUDDY, WET, or SNOWY stay by the door.

Ta DA! Works like a charm and looks just as lovely!
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1 comment:

  1. Thanks, that is such a great idea! I am going to hunt around the house for some baskets!


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