Monday, April 02, 2007

One year ago today...

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I was searching for a particular photo in the Panda vault, when I discovered a video that Matt had taken (without my knowledge) right after Andrew was born. It nearly made me cry to hear the little squeaks of bygone days! I am really happy that I have REALTIME memories of my little Panda-straight from my belly to my arms. I thought today would be a perfect day to remember that moment with all of you...the nurses had placed Andrew in my arms and had yet to 'wash him up'.

I just didn't want to let go of him for ANY reason. I remember feeling like, though he was right on my chest, that he was SO far away from me...too far. He would never be as close to me as he was when he was within. As I watched the video-I thought about those women who are brave enough to have a child (that they will not raise) instead of aborting their babies...and how terribly DIFFICULT it must be to let their babes go. I mean, I didn't want to let my Panda go just to get washed UP-let alone to disappear from my life forever.


  1. Anonymous2:25 PM

    That video is absolutely too precious for words! Thanks for sharing! It brought tears to my eyes! Our little one will be one on April 30th, and it seems like only yesterday I was holding him in my arms for the very first time. Like you, I didn't want to let him go!

  2. Boy does time fly by- I remember visiting you in that very hospital, the one where both our little boys were brought into the world, what a special memory of his "birth" day :) Thanks so much for sharing this, it was very special!

  3. Your video of brand new baby Andrew is just beautiful. I too cannot possibly imagine how hard it must be for those who make that most difficult decision to give their baby up for adoption. I love this Mark Schultz song that speaks to this topic...


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