Friday, April 13, 2007

Packing Up and Shipping Out

I finally finished Mom's birthday gift AND the laundry-and have begun packing up. I know I will forget something. I just KNOW it. I guess if I remember THIS bag-that is all I really need.

As we are leaving later this afternoon, this will be my last opportunity to blog at home. I can't promise any posts or pictures for the week I am away, but I will TRY to update once or twice if I can. Have a wonderful week everyone!

*** I should add...any mean nasty awful people out there that might perhaps be reading this and making a mental note of my absence...I LAUGH and sneer at your misfortune because, should you seek us out, you will be met with the mighty muscles of my Mattie. And they ARE mighty. :-)

I trust there is no one like that HERE though. Am I right?!
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  1. Have a safe and wonderful trip! I look forward to reading about your trip when you return home.

  2. No one here, like that. But I will admit that I worry, seeing people posting there comings and goings...

    But that me.

    Hope you have a wonderful time.


  3. Now if only you can keep this bag packed until you're ready to leave...

    Wow, a whole week without posts...I think I am going to go into withdrawals, without your daily pictures and updates to read... :(

    Have a wonderful time!!!

  4. April 18th...

    Hope you are having a lovely time.



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