Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Basket Full of Posies

After seeing a picture of a pillow similar to this in a back issue of Victoria magazine-I figured I would try it someday. Someday came a few weeks ago and I am only NOW able to graduate it from the works-in-progress category. Brown, small yo-yo's form a basket while larger, more colorful yo-yo's are the flowers. Various buttons decorate the centers, basting stitches form the stems and leaves and scraps fringe the outside.

I have been wanting to send something to the woman in the hospital who is paralyzed after having a car accident and losing her infant son on Mother's Day, but I just couldn't figure out what to send. Of course, a card. But I wanted to do something more. I wasn't sure if it would be too painful to have something personalized for her son, or to dwell on that. I just wasn't sure. Then, as I was stitching the stems up it came to me- I will send her this pillow! It is LIKE flowers, but won't fade...and it might dress up her hospital room-a home that will be hers for about 6 more weeks. I don't know her personally, but I can honestly say, she has been on my mind more since I learned of her than anything else.

Which brings me to a cute story.

Last night after Corynn was in bed she 'had' to get up to go 'potty'. Of course, on her way BACK to her room, she stopped in my craft room to 'tiss me one more time'. Frankly, I think it was all a ploy to see what was being stitched!

When she asked what it was and who it was for, I told her the situation. It went something like this.

Corynn: "Whatcha doing Mama?"

Mama: "Finishing up this pillow."

Corynn: "Is it for ME, Mama?"

Mama: "Nopers. It is for a lady who lost her baby."

Corynn: "She LOST her?"

Mama: "No darling. She didn't LOSE her baby-she was in a car accident and her baby died and now lives in heaven with God. She's very sad right now and I thought if I sent her this pillow it might make her feel a little bit better. Do you think it will make her feel better?"

Corynn: "Yes. I think so. But...Does she have a Papa?"

Mama: "I suppose so." (wondering where she was going with that...)

Corynn: "That's good. Papas always make you feel better."


As long as I am sharing... here is something else that tickled my fancy.

The other day Matt and I were discussing making a blacktop driveway and he was describing to me the differences in consistency between concrete and asphalt when he said...

"Concrete is like cake mix and asphalt is like no bake cookies."

And I said, "OOOOOOoooooooh."

And then we both laughed. That, my friends, was a perfect analogy for me!


Finally, I wanted to share two of the books I have been soaking up in my free time. Basically, I am in love.

*Morning Glories~Breakfast, Brunch, and Light Fare from an Herb Garden
By:Sharon Kebschull Barrett

Can I just say this is the COOLEST thing? It has got me making a whole new checklist for fun herbs to get in the future, and putting the herbs I have into good use. Lemon Verbena blueberry muffins? Lavendar Blackberry Jam? Scarmbled egg wrap with cilantro, tomatoes and feta?!? My mouth is watering and my tummy is a'grumblin!

*The Art of Romantic Living~Simple Touches to Enhance Everyday Life
By: Susan Wales

When I picked this up I was enchanted by the lovely photography on the front cover. Then, by the title. For a few dollars, I decided to make the purchase. Only when I opened the cover did I realize that the author was writing from a Christian perspective and when I read this line in particular, I knew it was gold. After having just lamented the fact that women are often sorely disappointed by the lack of romance their husbands show forth she says, "Please note: We are not going to fix HIM, we are going to change ourselves and our attitudes." And who can NOT like a book with pages so interspersed with fabulous quotes?!?

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