Monday, May 28, 2007

Reality Check

Our family headed 'home' for the weekend (but alas, farmers don't get Memorial Day off...) and we had such a fabulous time visiting with everyone. I must say, a very BIG highlight was getting to meet my new little niece Brooklinne. The pictures I have seen just couldn't capture the actual size of her. Pictures never do. SO I was flabbergasted to see the little Rosebud curl up into a little snowball and practically disappear. I was even more shocked to hold her. I guess I shouldn't be too shocked. She is two pounds less at a week old than BOTH of my children at birth!!!

I wanted to take a few (ha!) pictures of my sister holding her new baby and I made it my personal goal to take a few pictures that help to capture her SIZE a bit. I still don't do the wee one justice. But atleast I tried.

I have tons of pictures of the weekend away, but knew my sister would be wanting to see some of these pictures (*Elizabeth, there are twice as many as this...and many turned out nice so you can expect a letter in the mail soon filled with pictures!) so I post them now. The rest will be saved for some OTHER day (s).

In the meantime...the week that lies ahead is going to be a BUSY one. There is LOTS on my plate...including a yard/bake sale that I am putting on Friday and Saturday-all proceeds go to my camera fund! :-) Funny what you are willing to part with in order to purchase a dream.

This weekend I will post my own personal yard sale tips and tricks, and the results of my efforts. We shall the meantime-I am a sorting FREAK! Have a Happy Memorial Day!
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  1. Look at that sweet face! I love holding wee little babies since mine were big too, Rebecca. Benjamin got the 10lb. prize. :0)
    Good luck with your sorting and baking. I can't wait to hear your tips and see pictures!

  2. Rebecca, you are SO BLESSED to be able to meet this precious new baby!!! I'm sure your weekend must have been much anticipated since you heard of Brookelinne's birth!!!
    Have fun with your yard sale! Too bad I am not there to come!

  3. Rebecca,
    Thanks so much for all of the lovely photos- I'm sure that the others are nice as well! I am very thankful for them!!!! Mostly though, I am thankful I was able to spend time with you- it meant alot to me :)

  4. Anonymous7:41 AM

    Awwww so sweet!!! I can't wait to hold my new little one soon! :-)


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