Monday, May 14, 2007

Starting Fresh

Hope everyone had a lovely Mother's Day!! I spent yesterday celebrating this wonderful role of motherhood that the Lord has graciously put me in and tomorrow I am going to be celebrating ME-and the years that the Lord has graciously gifted me.

25 tomorrow.

I'll be sad-not because I am getting 'old' (HA!) but because , no longer will I be my most favorite number. Ah well. If THAT is all the sadness I ever face...

Corynn and Papa went on an excursion Saturday to pick up a mower (and BOY is IT a monster!) that we have just purchased from some friends of ours. What they DIDN'T tell me, was they had top-secret plans too. I woke up yesterday morning, to this lovely hanging basket right in the kitchen. LOVELY.

It has taken a place of honor on our patio.

Due to some recent horribly tragic happenings to a
family that I don't even know personally, my weekend shed its fair share of tears. I have been made even MORE grateful for my children and my life, and again I am reminded that you can NEVER fully appreciate the gifts you have been given until you are fearful you will lose them. If you think of it, please pray for this family-who lost their precious baby boy on Mother's Day. The Mother who is physically broken and no doubt, mentally as well (she was in a hospital several hours away when her baby passed away) and for the Father-who must struggle to be strong in the midst of loss. Pray that they find comfort and solace in the our Heavenly Father and that they are drawn closer to Him in this horribly sad time.
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  1. It sounds like you had a nice Mothers Day!!! That is a beautiful potted plant!

    Happy Birthday to you!!

  2. Happy belated Mother's Day, to an absolutely wonderful mother!!! And you are so young, even if you won't be your favorite number anymore. ;)
    My heart goes out to this precious family, I will be keeping them in my prayers.

  3. Happy Mother's Day! I hope your birthday is delightful tomorrow. You are so talented for being such a youngin'. (Yes I can talk to you that way since I am one year your senior.) hehe :) Blessings!

  4. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Oh,'re still YOUNG!! Personally, I'm kinda dreading turning 40 in August! But then again, I've been blessed beyond belief in my 'almost' 4 decades in this old world! God has been good to me! 24 is my favorite number was my jersey number all through high school for both basketball and softball. Another thing in common! LOL
    I pray you'll have a wonderful birthday tomorrow, and may the Lord bless you with many more as you serve Him and minister to your sweet family each and every day!

    And I'll definitely be praying for that family. How sad! And you're right...we need to appreciate our blessings always!

  5. Your plant is so lovely! The blooms are amazing!

    I was so sad to hear of that family, and I will say a prayer tonight for them- I can see why you shed tears!

  6. Happy Birthday to you
    Happy Birthday to you
    Happy Birthday dear Rebecca
    Happy Birthday to you!

    25 is not old, and neither is 27(or so I've been telling myself). I think I stopped keeping track of my age at 22, because I need to keep reminding myself I'm NOT 22.
    Just enjoy another wonderful year,and remember age is only a number.
    Big Birthday Hug!

  7. Happy birthday!
    (And, yes, Happy MOTHER'S Day, as well!)

  8. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Happy Birthday Rebecca! Just think you are only half as old as your dear mother. :-)

  9. Anonymous8:38 PM

    Just stopped over from your sister's blog to wish you a very happy birthday! I hope it was a wonderful one for you!

  10. Oh dear, the 15yh was your Birthday. Well, a very warm but belated Happy Birthday wish.

    And your hanging plant is precious.


  11. I came over from your sister's site. Hope you had a blessed day and enjoy many more yet to come.

  12. Rebecca, I'd love it if you e-mailed me!

    If you come over to my blog there is an "e-mail me" link there.



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