Saturday, June 02, 2007

1st feel of sand...

But hey-that's pretty good. It has only been MY THIRD! :-)
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  1. I went to the ocean when I was five and carried vivid memories of salt, waves, and stinging eyes until I was eighteen and was able to visit the ocean a second time. I loved it both times.

    Then I married John, and his family lives about ten minutes from the beach. I will be sad to lose that link to the ocean when they move, because it's an easy way for the girls and I to get a once-yearly soaking in salt. (I will be glad for the move, though, if it means we see more of them...)

    Ramblings aside, if we ever get a beach house, I'm inviting you along!

  2. Or perhaps it'd be better for Matt to just build a sandbox. (The beach house is a long shot, you know.)

  3. The sandbox would be great-but if ever the beach house happens-I am going to hold you to that! I have proof now in written form!

    BTW~this is news that Dude and Dudette are moving. Where to? Surely not Nanticoke?!? ;-)


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