Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Nearly bedtime, yesterday

After bathtime, we headed out on the patio (believe it or not, it was cooler OUTSIDE!) to read a few stories before bed. The setting sun was a brilliant golden pink color and cast its beautiful gold upon the childrens' skin, turning them so as well. So I took lots of pictures and then settled down for story time. Mattie spied my camera and, without any prompting, snapped a few shots of ME. It was really a nice thing. I don't have many pictures of me interacting with the kids, at least that are not staged, so it was a happy surprise.

Following, are some pictures of my golden children. I am rich, indeed.

Blueberries for Sal is not a solemn-ish book. I must have been making a voice here. Perhaps making a stern mama voice at the little snipe who is snitching berries by the handful...

And see that? My arms are TAN! In all my years, I think that is the most tan I have ever been. Most likely-the most I ever will be too. Pathetic, I know.
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  1. Oh, I adore Blueberries for Sal; it is one of Lily's absolute favorites. What a great tan; I mainly get burned, I can only barely tan. Blessings!

  2. You're so funny Rebecca! I love how you are fully enjoying your new camera. I really need photography lessons from you!

  3. You both look beautiful! And, you DO have a great tan.

  4. What a lovely reading time you had together!

  5. Audrey is all about "Blackbeyyies" for Sal right now. I catch her "kuplink, kuplank, kuplunk" while shes playing, and its so cute!
    She also gets quite concerned when Sal and Little Bear can't find their Mamas. ( Personally, if I lost my Little Sal, and found a Little Bear, I'd freak out.)

  6. Christine, I am definately on the burn spectrum too-which is why this is such a feat!

    Mandie~yeah right. I am the LAST person on the EARTH to give photography advice right now. I am SO frustrated with my lacking abilities with a 'fancy' camera. Ugh.

    Mrs. Bonnie~I know. I would freak too. And then I would DOUBLY freak, thinking my little sal was near the mama bear getting eaten up. Corynn always copies the book and finds it hilarious to do as Little Sal did when we pick berries of any kind. I can only pray that she wouldn't think it hilarious to follow a bear 'just like little sal' if we ever passed by one. SHE would be the one to do something like that...

  7. Well, your "lacking" abilities sure are churning out some nice photos!

    I love that last one of you reading to her; I guess Matt doesn't do too shabby of a job with the fancy camera, either! :)

    We should compare arms. My bright whiteness might blind you, but we should compare, anyway.

  8. Isn't it great to just sit down and read with your children. We do that daily here too.


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