Saturday, June 02, 2007


When we headed to the park, we thought it would just be a nice place to eat lunch. we did NOT expect there to be a swimming area, much less one with sand. Nor did we expect sand volleyball courts, fishing holes, bathrooms/showers, etc.

We lucked out.

Our company, though, knew the in's and outs of the park and came with fishing poles in hand, swimming suit clad, and sand toy ready.

So-this is just one more time I am thankful my children are still little. They shed their clothes and joined in on the fun. Since the place was *mostly* deserted, not an offended glance was seen anywhere.
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  1. I love this picture of her! I don't think I'll print it out for our walls, but then, our walls are a bit crammed full as it is.

  2. As always, you captured some great moments with fabulous pictures! It looks like you all had fun.

  3. This one is great in Sepia- It looks so old fashioned- I love it!!!


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