Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Today we had an adventure

Our lives needed a bit of sprucing up. And our bodies needed a bit of a cool down. So I packed some lunch, grabbed the camera and picnic blanket, loaded the childlings and headed to a most secret desination.

As with all GOOD adventures...we had to forge through the jungle to get to our destination where...
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  1. It looks like you've been having a wonderful summer with your kidlets. What a creative mom you are!

    Also, as for the you-pick strawberries... I have a girlfriend who has blueberry bushes. She has rows and rows of them. The first time we went to pick, in August, in Georgia, was the HOTTEST I've ever been in my entire life. I'm not kidding. None of us had a piece of dry clothing on when we were finished. But, the berries were so good, I'd do it over and over. There's nothing like fresh fruit (or berries) in the summertime.

    Have a fun week!

  2. What a fun adventure you went on today! I love the first picture, what are those tall plants??


  3. Ah~FRESH BLUEBERRIES! We are lucky enough to have access to some bushes at my parents-in-laws house so we will just coordinate a visit around their peak! It is only about a month before that for us...not much longer to wait! It is very nice of your friend to give you free reign! :-)

    Kelli~not really sure WHAT those plants are. After we trudged our way through, forging our own path and enjoying our own secluded secret spot and then heading home, I noticed a nicely made foot path down the way a bit. So-I guess it wasn't as 'secret' as I thought and it would have been much easier. BUT-there is nothing like weeds as big as yourself to heighten the mystery!


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