Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Summer's here.

Well, it seems summer has returned for another visit. I was wondering about it all, when the gray rains kept coming. And then, when the sumac trees began turning orange. Yes-I saw some YESTERDAY which has me pretty worried the rest of the day.

But today, yes TODAY there is not a CLOUD in the brilliant blue sky.

A perfect day to gather some of my home-grown flowers to bring inside. After all, I won't be enjoying them on the patio THIS afternoon-too hot! :-)

Also perfect for catching up on laundry and drying SEVERAL loads in one day. AND for fresh bedding. AND for iced tea,

all of which have happily filled my day.

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A surprise

Of course, my shadow was helping me along nicely with my own vase when I asked her if she might like to have a vase of her very own, to place next to her bed and make her room lovely. She said no and I was floored. "This is not my Corynn" I thought.

Then she said...

"I would like a vase. But I want to put it in Papa's room to surprise him."

"Papa's room" is the garage, where it sits this very moment awaiting his return from work.

My, she is sweet!
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Monday, July 30, 2007

A beautiful sight

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...just had to share in my excitement.


Corynn picked me this, telling me it was a pink flower. I thought she was being silly-but then she said... "There IS a pink flower there!"

Sure enough, dead center was a single pink floret.

WHY do I question her???
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I'm happy...we froze 2 quarts of berries and celebrated with blackberry smoothies all around. As you can see, there are lots more red ones, so that number will (hopefully) be getting larger as the days go by.
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catching dinner

Corynn and Andrew had quite a time deep sea fishing the other day, from the couch. They caught several sharks and even an octopus. And a crocodile almost came aboard too (this one was friendly... as opposed to this one)

In the kitchen I secretly prepared a dish to fit their adventure. Corynn was especially delighted. Andrew just was happy there was FOOD! :-)

BTW~they ate the 'leftovers' too-but THOSE weren't photogenic! ;-)
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gots a ?

Does anyone know if this reddish berry is an elderberry?

Someone told me there was an elderberry bush down the road a bit so I went scouting and found these berries. I looked up 'Elderberry' online but it only shows the foliage, not the berry.

ANYWAY. If anyone knows, please let me know. I have elderberry plans!

PS. While scouting, I discovered the MOST succulent, juicy, berry-laden amazing black raspberry bushes EVER. Each berry was the size of a GRAPE! As soon as Corynn wakes up, we will be heading out together. Wa-Hoo!

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A first...

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Any quilters out there who need some inspiration?

or better yet...

Anyone who want to LEARN how to quilt but need some TANGIBLE, EASY and hands-on instructions to do so?

Having dabbling in quilting several times before, I belong in BOTH the above categories.

I just recently was led to a Flickr group swap called Block of the Month.

After reading the instructions, I decided this would be a PERFECT opportunity for me to finally get my quilting goals off and running for this year. The main jist of it is this: you make a block and then SWAP it with someone else! One block per month, but you only sign up one month at a time. So-if after one month, it is too much, there is no obligation to keep going and you can use that one block to create a hotpad. If you enjoy it, you can keep participating until you have enough blocks to make a quilt! For more specific details, go here.

The very BEST part about it is this??? Sunshine Creations posts step by step tutorials (with LOTS of pictures and EASY written instructions) for a block each month. You can make your own block to swap if you are experienced, OR you can follow the suggested block in the tutorial.

You know what else? You don't even need to participate in the swap to get the fabulous tutorials each month! Just hop on over to her blog each month and learn a new block!


YOU can learn to quilt! To do piecing! For free! AND-if you decide to do the swap-you can also get mail AND surprises each month!

As for me, I eagerly signed up and eagerly anticipate the start of it. I would love to know if anyone else joins, so let me know! Just remember: don't sign up if you don't plan to follow through on the month.

If you participate in the swap, you can request color schemes. My pick was to have Robin's egg blue throughout the quilt. I plan to make two blocks per tutorial...one to mail off and one to keep-probably in pinks. That way, in the end, I will have BLUE blocks for a quilt for the Panda
and pink ones to make a quilt for Little Miss.

Now-scoot on over to those links and see how cool this really is! and then, sign up-sign ups are only until the 5th of every month so you only have a short while until Augusts' swap will be closed!

Celebrating Baby: part 2

Ready for more baby gifts???
This should have arrived by now: a personalized blanket. The blanket I bought on clearance and I just happened to have coordinated fabrics on hand. Well. Four of them. I was one short and then had the bright idea to make something DIFFERENT for the "o". The crocheted flower was fun to do...really fun, actually. It only took about 10 minutes!
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This guy is a winner!

I am LOVING this little elephant towel! I just finished taking him from mind to sewing machine, in celebration of my best friends' newest little guy. Oh dear. He is PRECIOUS. I post it now, knowing that Mandie won't be checking my blog any time soon-not with a two day old baby on her hands! Or atleast, I hope not or I just ruined the surprise!

I am thinking this guy has a brother and possibly a sister that may be making an appearance on Etsy after a while! ;-)
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Thursday, July 26, 2007

Lessons from the Lilies

If you are not already lily-ed out by now, following are the rest of the pictures I took of the water lilies this past weekend. It occurred to me as I was posting them, that if you are REALLY looking and in a VERY contemplative mood, they might just speak some hidden truths to you.

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Keep your eyes fixed heavenward
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