Friday, July 27, 2007

Celebrating Baby: part 2

Ready for more baby gifts???
This should have arrived by now: a personalized blanket. The blanket I bought on clearance and I just happened to have coordinated fabrics on hand. Well. Four of them. I was one short and then had the bright idea to make something DIFFERENT for the "o". The crocheted flower was fun to do...really fun, actually. It only took about 10 minutes!
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  1. You are so talented. The blanket is so cute!

  2. How adorable. Great job!

  3. That is so pretty, Rebecca! I love the "o!"


  4. Rebecca,
    This is so adorable! It turned out even nicer than what I envisioned in my head. You should go back, buy them out of these (if there are any left) and do custom orders at your shop :)

  5. I love this. The colors remind me of sherbert!

  6. rebecca, we LOVE our blanket and have already enjoyed rolling around on the floor on top of it. it's perfect for "tummy time" and also for stretching, kicking and cooing.

    we know we will treasure it and you and your thoughtful heart for a very long time!


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