Thursday, July 05, 2007

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  1. Ohhhh nooooooo! She has gone over to the *dark side*!!! To the Black & White photos side, I mean. ,-)

    I know. It's a big temptation, to go to the 'artsy' stuff. Heavens, I've *fallen* too. I have. ,-)

    But please, never abandon your beeeeeeeutiful color photos, for B&W only. Phuuulllleeeeeeze... Pretty please. Pretty please with sugar on it. :-))))))))

    And please, what kind of a computer program do you have, to "do" things with pics? As the B&W with the flag in color? I don't want to do those things but I so crave making photos sofffffffffffffft. If you know what I mean... Kind of like one shot them, through gauze or such... :-)


  2. I absolutely love this picture. It looks so 20's (maybe 30's?) or something. It just reminds me of the days of old. I love his little hat and her little dress. So adorable.

  3. I love this series of pictures. Keep it up, Darth! :)


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